Monday, March 7, 2011

Weed and Feed

If you are a do-it- yourself type of person (I am not sure why....), then it's time to apply pre-emergent to your turf. Remember to read the different products directions on the market carefully. Watch out for those products that you can't use on certain warm season grasses such as St. Augustine and Centipede grasses. If you use the wrong product, then you could kill your turf. When you find the right product, make sure you apply it according to the directions as well. To much of a good thing can be a bad thing.

I use a lawn spreader when applying a granular product. You will want to go in one direction at half rate and then in an other direction at half rate. This will ensure full coverage.

The weeds to control now are crabgrass, Dallas grass, and broad leaf weeds. If you wait too long, then a pre-emergent will not work on existing weeds. For existing weeds you will have to use a post emergent which is usually in a liquid form.

As always, please protect yourself from these chemicals. Wear long sleeves and pants and make sure, if possible, to wear a dust mask. I won't look pretty but who cares when it comes to your health.

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